Author Topic: Flamingoland Rentals Forum Agreement  (Read 2057056 times)


  • Administrator
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Flamingoland Rentals Forum Agreement
« on: July 27, 2012, 11:20:13 AM »
Flamingoland Rentals Forum Usage Agreement

Joining and participating in the forum means you are agreeing to the below terms of usage.
1. We want this forum to be warm, friendly, inviting and positive, therefore please refrain from posting any comments of a negative nature as these may be removed.
2. Flamingoland Rentals Forum is a privately owned forum and is in no was associated with Flamingo Land Theme Park and Zoo, therefore any issues/questions or the like relating to the holiday park itself must not be posted on this forum, instead please contact the holiday park itself via the correct channels.
3. Your forum membership account is yours and yours only therefore you may not provide your login details to any other owners. As a members only forum any owner wishing to participate must sign up for their own account.
4. Forum accounts are non transferable, by this we mean that should you in the future sell your caravan, your forum account is not transferable to the new owner, they must register using their own details.
5. You may not discuss any business/company or individual in a negative manner. 
6. Whilst only registered owners can post on the forum it is viewable by the general public, therefore all topics and posts must be suitable for family/child viewing. 
7. Name calling, aggressive behavior or any posts seen to be with the purpose of causing conflict or antagonising another member will be removed and a potential ban will be placed on the member/members involved.
8. Copyright Infringement, you may not post or hotlink to any files/ photos etc that you do not own copyright to. Any copy posted on the forum must be your own, and may not be taken from any other source i.e. website, print media etc.
9. Whilst you are allowed to send PM's to other members, using the forum to spam or to instigate conflict with other members is strictly prohibited. We want this forum to be a positive place, where all members feel welcome, therefore any member found to be making another member feel uncomfortable may face an instant ban, without refund.
10. While you may of course link back to your Flamingoland Rentals listing in any post where you feel the link is relevant, you may not use the forum as a way of promoting any other service or business.
11. Signatures, avatars, linking maybe disabled at the admins discretion.

12. Post Count - There is a minimum post count of 5, meaning that the admin has chosen to pre-approve the first 4 posts made by each member, after which your posts will no longer need pre-approval.
In the case of any dispute the decision made by the administrator of the Flamingoland Rentals Forum is final. The forum admin and any moderators reserve the right to edit or remove any forum posts they feel break the terms of usage agreement or deem as unsuitable. Whilst this forum will be moderated on a regular basic Flamingoland Rentals can not be held liable or responsible for any posts made by non admin members.  The admin also reserves the right to change/update the terms of usage at anytime without prior notice.

Many forums start out on a positive note and can quickly turn negative, we obviously do not want this and will not accept this, this is one of the main reasons for making it an owners only forum.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 08:25:47 PM by Admin »


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